Another May

I didn't mean to make this blog a once-a-year-purple-hair blog, but sometimes that's how it goes. It's May again and it's time to streak your hair purple for Pediatric Stoke Awareness Month! Although, to be honest, I wasn't planning on doing the purple hair streak this year. For one, I cut my hair really short. I'm over 5 months pregnant, have had a barfy and anxiety-ridden pregnancy so far, and have had this urge to exert my toughness, like a cranky old dog with sore hips who bites if you bother her or act like your going to bother her. And having a near buzz cut helps me pull this off (kind of. I was given a coupon by a very old woman at the grocery store and then some Safeway Monopoly pieces from possibly homeless man who looked at my cart and my big belly and said, "She has a whole family to feed with another one on the way--you take these." So clearly I'm not being all that tough if everyone and their coupon-cutting grandma can approach me...