Why Men are Dicks.
SO, I think I've mentioned I'm writing a book. Right now I'm in the editing process. The biggest part of the editing process has been to go over each chapter and wade through all the stories and just pick one or two. And then take those stories and really make them sing. Some parts are really great but they just don't quite fit. Here is one of them. Jacquie's little brother, Tyler, was four years younger than we were. He was a cutie with the signature pubescent boy BO. I loved Tyler. He cracked Jac and I up and we loved to pick on him in a good-natured sort of way. One evening while I was over at Jacquie's, I was in the throws of a dramatic event involving a boy I had once dated. It hadn't ended all that well between us, mostly because we were dumb fourteen year olds. Well ok, mostly because I was a dumb fourteen year old. But we went to the same tiny school and he had started saying mean things about me even though we had broken up over a year ago. A year...