
Showing posts from August, 2009

One For the Road

Tuesday, Shaughn flies into Boston on Virgin Airlines. An airline, he was told, that only had really hot flight attendants . I hope they're all men. I just finished cleaning out my car. It's a task I have never enjoyed partly because it necessitates a certain amount of flexibility that is unpleasant. It's not that I need to feel sexy 100% of the time, but it would be nice to avoid tasks that made me feel like a jackass. Plus, since we've had such a chilly summer, I'm not used to the heat. I kept dripping sweat all over the place making it hard to vacuum up the dirt. Not to mention all those pine needles from the x-mas tree last december are still showing themselves to be a b*** to vacuum. Half of them didn't even budge even when I put the whole opening of the hose on them, making the shopvac sound like it was going explode ( ps the shopvac looks like it came out of the land of oz). That's the last time I put a x-mas tree inside my car. When we were litt...

Longing for Geek Status

I really don't consider myself to be that much of a hypochondriac. Much like George W. Bush didn't really consider his accent to be crap. But more and more, I realize I have come to certain conclusions that don't necessarily have strong medical support. Unless you count a google search. I'm not usually very showy with my illnesses and rarely very creative. One time after reading a book about a young teen who had leukemia , I started noticing how much I, myself, bruise--and I was tired all the time! Sometimes I would wake up at night and be really really thirsty. I'd go into the bathroom and drink water out of my hands as if I was being timed. Drink-as-much-as-you-can, GO! Great, I'd think, diabetes . At any point in the day, you could count on me to ask if I felt warm like I had a fever. I don't think I have much time left, I'd say. My death-by-tragic-illness scares are usually sparked by books and tv shows. When mom was diagnosed, I figured I probably...

The Recipe

Martha's Meatloaf recipe--good idea Jacqui! Mix: 2 eggs 2/3 c milk 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp onion salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1 1/2 c oats Add: 2/3 c chopped onion 2/3 c shredded carrots 1 1/2 c cheese 2 lbs of hamburger Mix well (I just put it all in one bowl in no particular order, I mean come on). Bake 350 for 1 hr In small bowl mix 1/4 brown sugar, 1/4 ketchup, 1-2 T mustard. Spread topping on meatloaf after it has cooked for an hr and then cook 15 min more. Yum! _____________________ So the job hunting has begun again. Aren't you all excited for more stories about the financial jungle drums and interviews that look more like an escape from alcatraz than a possible job position? I know I am! I've been wanting to nanny again. It's been a little rough out there so far. But I'm going to use the nanny agency I used before and hopefully that will bring me some luck. I really want to work with infants. I need a baby fix. Right now I feel like Tina Fey on Baby Mama when she looks at...